Puppies behind bars, is the program conducted by the Harpo Studios. This programs main motive is to transform the prisoners life. Many of the prisoners had a dark history of abuse, robbery and even murder.
The prisoners are very violent, cold blooded, emotionless fellas. So, the team gave a puppy dog to each prisoners. The prisoners were taught to train their puppies to become service dog.
The puppies in return, showed them unconditional love. Now, the incredible bond has been formed between the prisoner and their dog.
The program teaches these convicted fellas responsibility and respect. But its the loving connection with the puppies,is life changing.
Jesse 28, the prisoner said: " Joining this program, it helped myself a sense of pride again, to know by nurturing this dog. I can give the love back"
What a big Aha moment of this program? Is that, many people that are neglected and damaged in their life are feeling their damage because of their incapacity to actually love and feel love. They never received love in their life and never been able to give love in their life.
Oprah Winfrey in her show said:
"Seeing the prisoner being able to give love to the dog and the dog been given to the soldiers, coming from Iraq and Afghanistan. Just felt like a absolute best full circle love moment possible"
I thank my guru for narrating this story to me...
Guys follow the link to watch the video of " Puppies behind bar story"
Every life in this world deserves something uniquely